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Telegram Will Finally Have Video Calls And Announced 6 More News

Telegram will have video calls option soon
Larich / Shutterstock.com

Due to the confinement to prevent the spread of COVID19, the use of messaging applications has increased considerably, in some cases such as WhatsApp, up to 50% when making video calls. Telegram has also grown considerably in this context. In fact, the company has announced that it has reached 400 million users, a growth of 100 million users in just one year.

In addition, Telegram has announced that it is working on a tool for secure group video calls, which is important, since it is the main difference it had with other rival services such as WhatsApp. Anyway, it is only known that they will prepare it, and at the moment, there is no information or official date for the launch of it.

Read AlsoFour Ways To Add Stickers To Telegram

Along with those two announcements, Telegram has presented six news in the application, in addition to the five it launched less than a month ago. The new functionalities are the following:

1. Improvement of the polls

Telegram has updated the function of conducting questionnaires to focus it more on teaching and will now allow the user to add an explanation to each answer, so that teachers can offer more context. The possibility of adding a timer with a countdown animation has also been integrated, which adds a competitive element to the poll.

2. 400,000 euros for the creators of educational tests

Telegram has created a fund of 400,000 euros that will be distributed among users who create and publish educational questionnaires. To participate, it is necessary to use the @QuizBot to create and publish an original educational test, regardless of the language and its difficulty. The questionnaire will be published in a public database. On May 15, the most popular will be announced, which will receive an economic prize.

3. Sticker directory

Telegram has joined all the sticker groups created over the years in a single directory. In the sticker library the contents can be ordered by date, name or category and you can also directly search for a group of stickers in your search engine.

4. New menu for attachments

As of now, on Android, all sections of the attachments menu are accessible as expandable layers and animated icons are included. This novelty, for the moment, will not be available on iOS.

5. MacOS Enhancements

Telegramusers on MacOs can access media files they have shared from channels, which have been redesigned, with a sidebar to organize folders. The photo editor has also been updated, which now allows you to draw on them.

6. Darts game

As an accompaniment to the animated dice emoji that was implemented in the last update, users will now be able to play darts in chat, with the animated target emoji.

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